Warning to all Gardeners

Paul Cherubini cherubini at mindspring.com
Tue Jun 27 02:42:25 EDT 2000

NewtChris wrote:
> I'm embarrased to say, but feel I need to make my mistake knoewn.
> I recently sprayed my roses with insecticide to control aphids.  I forgot to
> wash my hands and fed my cecropia larvae a few hours later. 90% were dead the
> next day.  I've raised them for many years, and this is the first time I've
> made the mistake, with disatorous results!!!  Please remember to wash your
> hands and the leaves you feed your larvae every time you handle them.

Or use a high odor insecticide like Malathion. Malathion stinks so
bad it would be nearly impossible to forget to wash ones hands. 

Paul Cherubini

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