V. Cardui

Bastiaan Notebaert bnotebaert at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 30 14:08:28 EDT 2000

Last days I had several Vanessa cardui in my garden, and its the first year I have this species in my garden in June. In normal years I have a few from mid-July until the end of august in my garden. Today I had a field trip near my home, and I had a lot of V. cardui, not as much as 1996, but more than all other years since I'm watching butterflies (1992). I had also a very early female second brood P. icarus and an early male Thymelicus lineola. Also Ochlodes venatus, Pieris rapae, Pieris napi.

Bastiaan Notebaert
Drongen, Flanders Belgium
51°4' N  3°37' E
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