Cactoblastis cactorum.
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Fri Mar 17 11:34:33 EST 2000
It will without question be a major problem. I see very few Opuntias
that are not infested, here in South Florida, and they are badly
In fact, I see very few Opuntias at all. Strangely, Florida gardeners
are not perturbed.
I've been viewing them with alarm for some years now ... and maybe the
government is working on it.
I wonder whether fire ants will prove to be important predators for this
pest, as they are against the corn borer.
Is any useful work being done as to biocontrol? These things were
themselves intended to be biocontrol in the first place ... and found
their way onto mainland US probably in a tourist's lunchbag.
I wonder whether Texas (where the Opuntia is also used as food) might be
interested in helping work up controls before the little guys find you.
I bet they'd choose up sides, since some folks think cactus is
unfriendly stuff.
Meanwhile, you can try to stop them at the border. I'm sure the tourists
won't mind being patted down for smuggled cactus, prickly pear fruit
And the customs officers will surely realize at once that this is more
important than looking for marijuana and cocaine. ;-)
I'd like to see South Florida doing a major part of the research on the
nasty beastie, since it's already here. I'd hate to see y'all
accidentally introducing it while studying it. Citrus seems to get all
the attention.
The white-footed ant, by the way, might also be useful against
Cactoblastus. It has a considerable impact on all the insects around,
and I'm not suggesting introducing it, but, if you already have it,
enjoy it.
Good luck
Anne Kilmer
south florida
"Emc. Victor Lopez Martinez ent" wrote:
> Hi, In my country the nopal is a important food resource, but the insect
> C. cactorum may be an important pest if is introduced to Mexico. The
> principal risk in this moment is that we unknow this species: no have
> information about biology, systematics and morphology.
> Can you help us?
> ********************************
> * Victor Lopez-Martinez *
> * Colegio de Postgraduados *
> * Fitosanidad/Entomologia *
> * km 35.5 carr. Mexico-Texcoco *
> * Montecillo, Edo. de Mexico *
> * C.P. 56230 *
> * MEXICO *
> * vilomar at *
> ********************************
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