A. syriaca & Roundup

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Mon Mar 20 05:27:16 EST 2000

	The following suggestion (presumably tongue-in-cheek): 

"  I'm still doubtful about Roundup's nontoxicity, 
at least until Monsanto's CEO agrees to drink a couple shots."

may not be so far-fetched.  A famous Rutgers University ag professor 
used to eat a teaspoonful of DDT in front of his class to show how 
harmless it was (on acute exposure).  He died, so the story goes, of a 
bee sting (perhaps that reflects a DDT deficiency). 

In any case, I acute exposure tests in animals (including humans) is not 
likely to be predictive of chronic exposures and/or ecosystem effects. 

M. Gochfeld

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