butterfly bonanza

Chris Raper triocomp at dial.pipex.com
Tue Mar 21 04:09:11 EST 2000

On 20 Mar 2000 18:10:25 -0800, pwbelg at clara.co.uk (Paul  , ELG) wrote:

>However there has been a number of sightings recently of Vanessa atalanta,
>particularly in the Hastings area of England.

Hi Paul

Add one sighting in the Reading area (Berks) in th last fortnight.

>Debate has raged over the years as to whether this species actually
>over-winters in the UK - it probably DOES NOT, but mild winters such as we
>have just experienced here may allow the larvae to survive, 

I have always been intrigued by this view and just wanted to get some
clarification. What puzzles me is that the anti-hibernation lobby can
be so confident that they don't hibernate. What evidence is there to
back this up? 

My point is that many of its close relatives are known to hibernate
and all it would take would be the finding of adults hidden away in
cool, dry, dark places over winter to prove that they _do_.  :-\  I
must admit to have never found any myself - but then again I haven't
looked - but I have often seen adults attempting to roost under our
covered patio. 

Can anyone shed any light on the pro/anti hibernation arguments?

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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