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paulevi at
paulevi at
Tue Mar 21 13:43:30 EST 2000>,<msteiner at>,Daniel Rubinoff <drubinof at nature.Berkeley.EDU>,jpowell at,jadams at,mowerr at,kerichers at
From: paulevi at (Paul A. Opler)
Subject: New Western Tiger Moth Atlas
Message-Id: <200003211145531.SM00175 at>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 11:45:29 -0700
Contributions to C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity. Moths of
western North America. 3. Distribution of Arctiidae of western North
America, Part 1. Text, systematic list, bibliography, and maps by D.C.
Ferguson, P.A. Opler, M.J. Smith, and J. P. Donahue is now available.
$24.00, includes shipping. Quick mail extra.
This atlas includes a revised systematic list for western arctiidae by D.C.
Ferguson, maps of all described western species compiled from most major
North American museums and several private collections. Records from
monographic treatments are also included. This is the first comprehensive
treatment of western North American species. It does not include
identification keys or images. Part 2, anticipated later in 2000 will
include images of almost all described western species.
Send your order and payment made out to Gillette Publications to:
Dr. Paul A. Opler, Gillette Publications
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Previous publications include:
Saturniidae of Western North America by Peigler and Opler ($6.50)
Sphingidae of Western North America by Smith ($8.00)
Oecophoridae of Western North America by Powell and Opler ($9.00)
Silkmoths and Hawkmoths of Eastern North America by Opler ($15.00)
Butterflies of the Eastern United States by Opler ($17.00)
Cerambycidae (Longhorn beetles) of Colorado by Heffern ($10.00)
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