A. syriaca/ raising

Sharyn Fernandez butterflies at value.net
Wed Mar 22 23:13:45 EST 2000

I grew A. curassavica last year but had access to a greenhouse (for seeds);
hot house for seedlings. It took about a month to go from seed (planted
fairly deep- to 1 inch) with vermiculite/peatmoss seed spouting mix-
transfering to a 4 inch pot  with potting soil and some Osmocote.I  planted
in April last year.They overwintered outdoors fine;I kinda neglected some,
I still have about four. - I think I started with about 20 to 50 seeds? not
sure now :( - anyway, I find this system more reliable than planting
outside directly, even though more time consuming - but to each his own!
Otherwise, I'd recommend Burpees' heated base (not over 70 degrees)
seedling tray with a plastic cover top (aerated)(ref.www.burpees.com).

Other milkweed may take scarification - poss. refrig for a month.

Sharyn F.

>Need to know how to grow asclepias syriaca from seeds collected last
>fall and stored in an unheated shed.  Is a coldframe useful for
>germination or hardening?

Sharyn Fernandez
Concord CA
butterflies at value.net

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