Moth Question -- Posted Images -- Thanks
Paul D. Marsh
pdmarsh at
Sun Mar 26 20:04:36 EST 2000
Thank you to all who took the time to give me a hand. My project is
back on track. It's amazing that in a video project you'll sometimes
spend hours of research for about 1 minute of video, but it's worth it
knowing you got your facts straight. I appreciate it. All but one of
my mystery moths were identified (Moth #3 is still unknown). That's OK
since some things have to hit the editing floor anyway.
"Paul D. Marsh" wrote:
> At the suggestion of one of your members, I have posted a temporary web
> page with images of the moths I'm having trouble identifying. If you
> are interested, and have the time, please take a look and see if you can
> indentify any of these (4 moths, 1 butterfly and 1 unknown). I
> appreciate it. Here's the web address:
> Thank you very much,
> Paul
> "Paul D. Marsh" wrote:
> >
> > Before posting this message I did attempt to find a group FAQ via a
> > search on DejaNews, but wasn't able to do so. At this point it's simply
> > easier to post the question.
> >
> > I am working on a video project of all of the creatures found in the
> > yard of our home in Florida. Among these critters are many moths and
> > butterflies. I am having trouble identifying a number these, as well as
> > some other weird things, like a hammer-headed worm! I bought all of the
> > Audubon field guides, have made a number of trips to the library and
> > have searched the web.
> >
> > I have found some sights on the internet, but most have been of little
> > use. If one or more exist, I would like to find a site that has photos
> > of LOTS of moths and butterflies in their natural state. The USGS site,
> > for example, while thorough, is of little use in my case because I have
> > yet to find a moth or butterfly pinned to the wall with it's wings
> > spread!
> >
> > Can someone point me to a good site on the web? Or, is there a site or
> > individual that accepts e-mail with photos for identification? That
> > would be of tremendous help.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
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