First Sighting, Finally!
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Mon Mar 27 14:23:48 EST 2000
Ruddy daggerwings Marpesia petreus, zooming all over in my back yard.
That's not lemonade; it's a Tom Collins.
We also have a nice assortment of skippers, but I let the anoles have
all those.
anne Kilmer
South florida
Richard Worth wrote:
> Well it's about time! People have been reporting b'flies flying for
> months now. While skiing in the Alps for Pete's sake! You people in
> Florida were sipping lemonades with the leps on January 1! Stuck way
> up here in the PNW corner of the world, I wonder sometimes if winter
> will ever end. And the other day I saw it. We actually had a day
> that hit 60 deg.F. It was in Salem, Polk Co., Oregon on Friday the
> 24th of March and I saw a butterfly. Yes, I have witnesses. Of
> course, it was a cabbage white flying near a weedy mustard plant
> that, by the way, is an annual that bloomed all winter(very mild this
> winter) and is still going strong. So I guess it's time to head out
> to a more remote location and look for Pieris napi. I can't wait for
> the summer. I'm looking forward to leading this year's July 4th
> count on Mary's Peak!
> Hasta la sunshine!
> Rich
> Richard A. Worth
> Oregon Department of Agriculture
> Plant Division
> rworth at
> (503) 986-6461
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