Bt corn flap

Rob Knell r.knell at
Tue Mar 28 09:50:27 EST 2000

>How about that corporations can add it to your food and not tell you about it? 
>Is the right to know or freedom of choice such a little thing when it is a food
>additive?  How about people who may be allergic to it?  

Why are the above points more important when it's a protein expressed
by the plant rather than one grown in vats and then sprayed on?

How about other
>pesticides engineered into plant DNA?

How about other pesticides engineered into plant DNA? One of the
things about recombinant DNA technology is that it is a whole new
technology, and each case should be considered seperately. BT toxin
expressing plants are a completely different case than glyphosate
resistant plants in almost every important respect, for example. BT
endotoxin is completely harmless to mammals. You can eat it by the
handful and all that will happen will be that you might get a slightly
better diet as a consequence.

I'm not necessarily in favour of GM technology myself. I just wish
there were a little more rational argument and less hysteria in the



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