Bt corn flap

Paul Cherubini cherubini at
Tue Mar 28 00:53:27 EST 2000

Rob Knell wrote:

> 3) Why is it that when sprayed around the environment from a
> helicopter BT is an environmentally friendly organic natural control
> agent, but when the exact same molecule is produced by genetic
> engineering it suddenly transforms into an evil monster.

If it were possible to see how much money Greenpeace and the other
anti-Frankenstein food groups made in '99 vs '98 and previous years, 
the answer might become clearer. 

There might be severe financial consequences for the multi-national green 
groups or the Union of Concerned Scientists if they were to take a
non-alarmist public stand like: "We applaud Monsanto et al
for developing Bt crops that will reduce the use of petroleum derived 
chemical pesticides and give us a cleaner environment."

The public has access to full financial information about corporations
like Monsanto via their annual reports, but how can the public find
out how much money Greenpeace et al made in '99 compared to the past?
Or how much money the "Union of Concerned Scientists" raised in
in '99 compared to previous years? 

Paul Cherubini

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