Butterfly book and supplies info needed...

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
Wed Mar 29 19:54:59 EST 2000

> let the kids capture the butterflies study them, then release them after
> they find out what they are.

How about letting those kids who want to observe/photograph butterflies
do so, and provide collecting gear to those who want to make a collection?
There is room in the world for both watchers and collectors, and the
missionary zeal to convert others to _your_ view on the matter is wearing
a bit thin, from either side.

	There are valid reasons for collecting, even today (talk to any
lepidopteran systematist). _Some_ kids should grow up to be the next
generation of systematists and curators... There are equally valid
reasons for watching--so let the kids decide for themselves, and provide
encouragement and support to them all.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at uaf.edu

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