Bt corn flap

Rcjohnsen rcjohnsen at
Thu Mar 30 03:34:57 EST 2000

<< Subject: Re: Bt corn flap
From: cherubini at  (Paul Cherubini)
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2000 12:09 AM
Message-id: <38E228C7.463E at>

Roger Johnsen wrote:

 >I would have liked to see more
> testing of Bt corn fed to cancer prone rats/mice/dogs before unleashing it in
> the environment

But food safety testing involves animal torture and the green groups will 
organize against that. 

Paul Cherubini

Sorry!  I don't agree as long as the animals are well cared for fed and housed.
 In this case fed with Bt products or Round up products.  Animal tests are an
unfortunate necessity in medical/ biological testing and now in engineered
products.  Feeding Bt food products isn't torture but denying food and water
is.  I think most people recognize that. 
  Animals in a lab are often better treated than at the slaughter house,  and I
thinks many people would become vegetarian if they had to hunt their own meat,
especially true of mammals or how its treated prior to coming to market.

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