cocaine feeders

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Thu Mar 30 12:44:21 EST 2000

At 10:15  29/03/00 GMT, you wrote:
>In article <38E12AB4.9DB7E2EC at>
>           bsu103 at "jamie o'connell" writes:
>> Please could someone assist in my project be passing on information about
>> butterflys which live and feed on the Erythroxylum coca or its close
>> relatives.
>> Jamie O'Connell
>The larvae of butterfly species in the genus Agrias feed on plants of this
>I do have concerns that GM technlogy is apparently being developed to
>kill the Coca plants. I hope for the sake of the butterflies that
>the ecological effects of releasing such novel organisms are fully
>assesed FIRST.
>Neil Jones- Neil at 
- - - - -
I note that Mabberly, 1990 indicates 250 living species of *Erythroxylum*
in tropical South America and Madagascar.
Does anyone know if there are butterflies that feed on this genus in
*Agrias* species and their *Erythroxylum* foodplants are found from Oaxaca
and Chiapas in Mexico to northern Argentina.
- - - - - Chris Durden

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