Maritza Romero-Gutierrez maritza_romero at hotmail.com
Mon May 1 12:39:15 EDT 2000

If you like butterfly images you should check out this site. He has hundreds 
of butterfly images and you can send them out as ecards. He also has 
beautiful flower and landscapes images.

>>From: tina kolesnik <kolesnik at austin.rr.com>
>>Reply-To: kolesnik at austin.rr.com
>>To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
>>Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 14:48:21 GMT
>>I hate adverts, but I have to say this-I love butterflies.  Pictures,
>>cards, etc.  I was surfing for new images (as usual!) when I found this
>>website.  I don't know if they are local, brothers, or what, but his
>>butterfly pictures were astounding.  (I think they make cards and stuff)
>>He captures butterflies in motion, and in their natural habitat.  It
>>says he's from New Jersey (didn't know the nature was so lovely there)
>>but I was impressed.  http://natrefs.com/ is their url, but their
>>gallery is great!  If you are looking for butterfly images, check these
>>guys out-
>>pentax at austin.rr.com

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