one list

Paul (ELG) pwbelg at
Fri May 5 19:19:02 EDT 2000

Hey guys,

There already is a European Leps List, but without all the Flames. 

I would publish the mail address, but Mr Bones may join.


> From: Ernest Williams <ewilliam at>
> To: leps-l at
> Subject: one list
> Date: 05 May 2000 15:08
> I hope the list does not split.  No matter what list you're on, there are
> always some people on it who you don't want to hear/read....and there are
> always more messages you want to skip over than there are those you want
> read.  That is the nature of listservs.
> I value having a single primary lep listserv with inputs from people in
> other countries and on other continents.  (Yes, I know the obvious
> rejoinders that you can subscribe to multiple listservs, etc.; splitting
> the answer only when the traffic becomes too heavy or the interests of
> participants too divergent.)
> Ernest Williams
> >At one time people were talking about making two leps-list, one european
> >american and at that time I thought it was a good idea and that it might
> >takeMr.
> >Jones off our back and I still think so,would their be other advantages
> >

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