Unidentified caterpillar

Roger KENDRICK kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Mon May 8 13:21:22 EDT 2000

This is Cosmia trapezina  (Linn.) (UK vernacular = The Dun-bar).

from Porter (1997)
"The larvae are readily taken by beating, especially at night when more
active, often attacking other lepidopterous larvae while still on the
sheet, and have also been known to nip unwary fingers when handled. They
are easy to rear, but should be kept separately, pupating in a cocoon
among plant litter or just in the soil".


Porter, J., 1997. The Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars of the
British Isles (Macrolepidoptera). Viking Press, Harmondsworth,
Middlesex, England.

CGH wrote:

> Hello,
> I finded a Noctuidae caterpillar in France, in a forest near Paris
> (Versailles), a few day ago.
> It looks very agressive with others caterpillars (it killed one).
> It eat Castanea, Acer (Quercus ?) ...
> Could anyone indentify it, you can see photos to the address :
> http://www.triatel.com/lepido/inconnu/Noctu01.htm
> (Sorry for my english !)
> Thank you very much !
> Christophe GÜNST HORN
> http://www.triatel.com/lepido

  Demonstrator / Ph.D. Student
  Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
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