observations (8-V-2000)

Jonathan Sylvestre josylvestre at sympatico.ca
Tue May 9 09:52:24 EDT 2000

Date and time : Monday 8-V-2000 13h00-15h00 HAE

Location  : Between Manseau and St-Louis de Blanford, Quebec, Canada
(approximatly 46,25° N   72° W )

Habitat : Coniferous forest on sand dunes (Larix laricina, Pinus strobus,
Pinus resinosa, Pinus divaricata, Pinus rigida? silvestris?, Picea mariana,
Picea glauca, Norway Spruce ??, Abies balsamea ...). Many little to medium
acid bogs, small lake and swamp. Observations made on a sand road.

Wheater : 25 °C no wind, partly cloud

Observations :
Callophrys henrici : very common (>20)
C. augustus : common (>10)
C. niphon : very common (>30)
C. lanoraieensis : 7
C. polia : 2
Pieris napi : 1
Vanessa atalanta : 1
Celastrina ladon : abundant (>50 maybe 60 or 70)
Nymphalis antionpa : 8

Many unidentified microleps and geometriidae

I was looking for Heliothis borealis but did not see any.

Does anyone know such habitat where 5 species of callophrys fly at the same
time ?

Jonathan Sylvestre
josylvestre at sympatico.ca

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