Unidentified caterpillar

Stuart Roberts spmr at msn.com
Wed May 10 14:42:33 EDT 2000

CGH <cgh at ifrance.com> ecrit  news:8f5urr$cr0$1 at reader1.fr.uu.net...

> I finded a Noctuidae caterpillar in France, in a forest near Paris
> (Versailles), a few day ago.
> It looks very agressive with others caterpillars (it killed one).
> It eat Castanea, Acer (Quercus ?) ...
> Could anyone indentify it, you can see photos to the address :
> http://www.triatel.com/lepido/inconnu/Noctu01.htm
> (Sorry for my english !)

Ce n'est pas mal!

C'est possible que c'est Cosmia trapezina LINNAEUS.

Stuart Roberts

> Thank you very much !
> Christophe GÜNST HORN
> http://www.triatel.com/lepido

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