I need help.......
Bruce Walsh
jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
Mon May 15 11:20:54 EDT 2000
Pat writes:
l > > 2) Bruce seems to assume that the burden of proof
> > should lie with on the anti-releasers. This is point of view would
not be held by
> > anyone working in biological control.
There are two issues here. First, I fully agree that NONNATIVE species
should not be introduced (released) without the appropriate studies.
Perhaps I did not make this point clearly.
However, my comments on releases is that I know of no evidence as to why
NATIVE species should not be released, especially if there are members of
the same panmixtic breeding population. Certainly painted ladies fall
into this category, and the evidence also strongly suggests that monarch may
as well.
In this later category, the concern seems to be just what the "burden of
proof" is. Clearly, introducing a non-native species can disturb an
ecosystem--- there are LOTS of examples of this. However, are there examples
where low-level introduction of a species already present (albeit perhaps
from a slightly different population) has been shown to cause problems?
The population-genetic arguments of eroding the gene pool are incorrect and
simply reflect a poor understanding of the field. Hence, I think that
the anti-releases should suggest what protocol needs to be satisfied for
release. This is certainly sensible, as otherwise the fear would be that
after spending (say) $50,000 on a bunch of studies discounting a set of
concerns, the anti-releases will them simply add new items to the list. This
can go on forever.
Hence, a reasonable approach would be to detail just what the concerns
are, and what studies would reduce these concerns. Again, the backdrop for
this is that there must be either reasonable theoretical and/or empirical
evidence for the concerns. I think this sets up the framework for a
reasoned discussion where the concerns of both sides can be addressed.
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