California Sister in Travis Co.

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue May 16 13:46:42 EDT 2000

At 11:11  16/05/00 EDT, you wrote:
>  Can someone please tell if   Limenitis, & Adelpha, are being used
>interchangeably in this discussion ??   Or if not, please site a reference
>where I may look up Limenitis bredowii.
>   Thanks,     DP
> >
  Carpenter & Hobby (about 1940) in Transactions of the Royal Entomological
Society of London Vol.94, No. 2, around p. 322. Revised *Limenitis
bredowii*. They show that it is a good *Limenitis*, closer to *L. populi*
the type species of the genus than are the other North American *Limenitis
(Subgenus Basilarchia)* spp. 
  They show that *L. bredowii* is not congeneric with *Adelpha* spp. They
show that *Adelpha* is closer to *Parthenos*. According to Corbet,
Pendlebury & Eliot, 1978 (Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula), *Parthenos*
is in tribe PARTHENINI, while *Limenitis* is in tribe LIMENITIDINI. There
is no excuse for continuing the combination *Adelpha bredowii*.
  Carpenter & Hobby review and give characters for all the taxa closely
related to *Limenitis bredowii* including *L. californica*. It is the most
distinct of all the races they assign to *L. bredowii*. In my opinion it is
specifically distinct, not only in characters, but also in ecological
.......Chris Durden

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