Pyrgus centaureae wyandot

Nathan Schiff nschiff at
Sat May 20 12:48:46 EDT 2000

My two cents,
	Both specimens I have in my collection of Gyrocheilus patrobas
were hit by cars.  I saw them get hit, stopped, picked them up and they
were in good shape so now they are in my collection.  Nathan

On Fri, 19 May 2000, Kenelm Philip wrote:

> > Windshield (That's windscreen in the UK) kills are not deliberate
> > they affect mainly common species.
> That's true on the whole--but it would be more accurate to say 'common,
> or _locally_ common, species'. I remember my surprise in 1990 when I found
> road-killed _Erebia occulta_ (very rare in collections) at one point on
> the Teller Road, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. It turned out the road ran right
> through the habitat (fine gravel scree) of the species, which can be
> quite abundant in good habitat.
> 							Ken Philip
> fnkwp at

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