May 20 SEABA Field Trip - Box Canyon

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Sat May 20 22:17:24 EDT 2000

Here are the results of the SEABA Field Trip today, 5/20 and the
scouting trip on 5/16 (Doug Mullins & Hank Brodkin) to Box Canyon and
the trail from the Florida Research Station in the Santa Ritas of
southeastern Arizona.  We had at least 20 participants and leaders Hank
and Priscilla Brodkin on the field trip for a very good day considering
the drought conditions this Spring.
Two Wait-A-Minute Bushes (Mimosa sp.) were swarming with hundreds of
butterflies and Kidneywood and Bebbia were also productive nectar
sources.  Fine photographic experiences were had with Deva Skippers
nectaring in yellow Prickly Pear blossoms.  Species seen:
Pipevine Swallowtail (B. philenor), Checkered White (P. protodice)
ascouting only, Mexican Yellow (E. mexicanum) scouting only, Sleepy
Orange (E. nicippe), Great Purple Hairstreak (A. halesus), Gray
Hairstreak (S. melinus), Marine Blue (L. marina) out by the hundreds,
Ceraunus Blue (H. ceraunus), Reakirt's Blue (H. isola), Fatal Metalmark
(C. arizonensis), Mormon Metalmark (A. mormo), Palmer's Metalmark (A.
palmeri), American Snout (L. carinenta), Bordered Patch (C. lacinia),
Elada Checkerspot (T. elada), Texas Crescent (P. texana), Red-spotted
Purple (L. arthemis), Arizona Sister (A. bredowii), Tropical Leafwing
(A. aidea), Tawny Emperor (A. clyton), Nabakov's Satyr (C. pyracmon
hensawi), Red Satyr (M. rubricata), Queen (D. gilippus), Acacia Skipper
(C. hippalus), Arizona Powdwered-Skipper (S. zampa), Funereal Duskywing
(E. funeralis), Orange Skipperling (C. aurantiacus), Deva Skipper (A.
deva), White-barred Skipper (A. pittacus) scouting only, Sheep Skipper
(A. edwardsi).
For more information about the SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
please click on the website in the sig file below. 

	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                    Lat: 31.450, Long: 110.267
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

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