Florida Traps

Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Wed May 24 23:08:54 EDT 2000

Interesting thought ... bluebirds are highly insectivorous and presumably
love "collecting" butterflies, including rare species. An dilemma: Is the
act of increasing populations of birds that kill butterflies, the same as
people directly killing butterflies?

-----Original Message-----
From: wanda <be496 at lafn.org>
To: NABA <naba at naba.org>
Cc: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: May 24, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Florida Traps

>Thanks Jeff, for representing us so graciously.
>I'll certainly vouch that traps of all kinds get damaged, removed, etc.
>and don't mean just by the weather!   There has been a big push for
>bringing bluebirds back to the area and numerous birdhouses have been
>built and placed in parks toward that end.  If a birdhouse makes it
>through the year, it is amazing!
>Wanda Dameron
>LA-NABA, Lep Soc, Xerces, Lorquin, ATL
>Flutterby Press, San Fernando Valley, Ca.
>> NABA wrote:
>> Earlier today, the following message was intended to be copied to this
>> address,  but  an  empty   message  was  inadvertantly  sent  instead.
>> Dear Mr. Koehn,
>> Alana Edwards  forwarded to me your email in  which you state that you
>> have  received  telephone  calls  informing  you that  a  NABA  member
>> destroyed  a trap  and removed  others that  you had placed  near Port
>> Mayaca.
>> Please be  assured that if such  actions did in fact  take place, they
>> were in  no way encouraged nor  condoned by NABA. I  have seen some of
>> the same second and third hand information that you have seen, stating
>> that a  NABA member  did interfere with  one of your traps.  If you do
>> have  convincing information  that  a particular  individual destroyed
>> your trap, I encourage  you to take this matter up with them directly,
>> if you so desire. If a NABA member participating on one of these field
>> trips did  destroy or take a  trap belonging to you,  then I sincerely
>> apologize on behalf of NABA for their behavior.
>> A few  groups of  NABA members did  visit an area near  Port Mayaca in
>> conjunction with  the NABA  Members Meeting being held  in nearby West
>> Palm Beach, Florida. I, myself led the first group of approximately 16
>> people to this area on Friday, May 18. You mention that you had placed
>> a  number of  traps in  this area,  but I  noticed only a  single trap
>> placed in  a tree. Since my group was the  first NABA field trip group
>> to visit the site, it is entirely possible that other, non-NABA people
>> removed some of them. As you probably know, bait traps can attract all
>> sorts of attention. The first traps that Bob Robbins and I placed near
>> the Amazon River in 1970 were cut down and stolen the first day out.
>> Very  few  of the  people  in my  group  remarked about  the trap  and
>> certainly none  did anything to disturb it.  Personally, I had no idea
>> as to  whom the trap belonged  or for what purpose  it were there, but
>> assumed  (apparently  not  entirely  correctly) that  any  butterflies
>> trapped would  be released. A  few other groups visited  the same area
>> when I was not present.
>> To reiterate,  NABA does not condone  the destruction of others&rsquo;
>> property and if a  NABA member was involved in such destruction during
>> a NABA-led  field trip, then we  apologize for that individual&rsquo;s
>> unwarranted, unauthorized and unacceptable behavior.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jeffrey Glassberg
>> President: NABA

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