Monarch Observations Needed

Donald Davis donald.davis at
Sat May 27 17:13:00 EDT 2000

Thanks to so many on this list who have reported their monarch butterfly
sightings to Journey North or to this writer. The number of reported
sightings is remarkable, and a reflection of the generosity of those on
this list who have shared their data with the 4500 classrooms
participating in Journey North 2000.

We would appreciate your ongoing observations - first sightings of
adults, particularly from Western Canada and Maritime Canada, and first
sightings of eggs and larva.

As before, you can post your data directly to the Journey North Website
or forward by private post to this writer, who will, in turn, post your
data at Journey North.

As before, make sure to include date and place of sighting (closest
village, town, or city), name of observer and e-mail address.

Don Davis
Toronto, ON

P.S. A monarch whizzed past me on Friday, May 26th while I was working
at my parent's home not far from  Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Brighton,
Ontario (44.01 N, 77.50 W). It was not a bright, orange color, but a
dark, flat orange color - like the late migrating monarchs we see in the
late fall in Ontario.

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