[SoWestLep] Collecting around Eugene
Andrew Warren
warrena at ava.bcc.orst.edu
Tue May 30 15:58:55 EDT 2000
Hi Bruce,
This is a brief report from Corvallis, OR. We had a wonderful, dryish,
sunny April here and rain most of this month. About 20-25 butterfly
species are on the wing now in the area. The past 5 days have been cool
and rainy (I have heard- I was in Idaho), but it is supposed to be sunny
and nice here by Thursday... I hit Hwy 58 SE of Eugene on May 20 and did
not get much on the W side of the Cascades (P. eurymedon, B. epithore, E.
comyntas), but found 20 species on the east side near Gilchrist in Klamath
Co. Most of the early spring species in the Coast Range are already
done flying (Callophrys, Euphydryas editha, overwintering Polygonias).
The Coenonympha are thick right now... If you are looking for something
in particular, let me know (in a private message)...
Andy Warren
On 30 May 2000, Bruce Walsh wrote:
> I'm off on Friday to Eugene (Oregon) and am seeking local information on
> current collecting locations.
> THanks in advance!
> Cheers
> Bruce
> Bruce Walsh
> email: jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
> Office: 520 621-1915
> Fax (Departmental) 520 621 9190
> home page:
> "http://nitro.biosci.arizona.edu"
> Quantitative Genetics page:
> "http://nitro.biosci.arizona.edu/zbook/book.html"
> Arizona Moths page:
> "http://nitro.biosci.arizona.edu/zeeb/butterflies/mothlist.html"
> Arizona butterflies page:
> "http://nitro.biosci.arizona.edu/zeeb/butterflies/seazlist.html"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
> Remember the good 'ol days
> http://click.egroups.com/1/4053/1/_/460646/_/959716148/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> When the birds are few and far between-Look Down!, because there is a world of color you may have missed looking up.
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