Butterfly Research Project

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Thu Nov 2 18:15:14 EST 2000

    There is a professor at Duke Univ. (95% sure) that has done a lot of
research with this type of stuff. If you have web address for Duke Biology
Dept. you can find out who what and why.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathryn McCann" <kmccann at cvgs.k12.va.us>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 5:49 PM
Subject: Butterfly Research Project

>     My name is Kathryn McCann and I am a junior at Central Virginia
> Governor's School in Lynchburg, Virginia.  I am planning on doing a
> project with Painted lady butterflies.  My plan was to prick eyespots on
> left wings of these butterflies approximately six hours after they
> This would cause the eyespots to either grow, shrink, or disappear.  The
> right wings would be the controls.  A professor told me that this would be
> possible because the pupae do not form a chrysalis right away and their
> wings are wrapped around the body on the surface and easily accessible.
> not exactly sure what to expect, though.  Would I be able to tell the left
> wings from the right?  Are the eyespots visible in the pupal stage?  What
> will the pupae look like exactly?  How long will it take them to form a
> chrysalis?  I would really appreciate it if you would answer my questions.
> Thank you so much for your time and help.  My email address is
> kmccann at cvgs.k12.va.us
> Thanks again,
> Kathryn McCann
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