Garden plant list for US native bees

sarah clark sec at
Sat Nov 4 11:09:40 EST 2000

Doug Yanega wrote:
> Since some folks here are interested in butterfly gardening, I thought this
> might be of interest. No reason not to make one's garden suitable for more
> than just butterflies, as long as one is inclined towards wildlife.
> >Sender: Pollination and Palynology List <POLPAL-L at LISTSERV.UOGUELPH.CA>
> >From: James Cane <jcane at BIOLOGY.USU.EDU>
> >Subject:      Garden plant list for US native bees
> >
> >Folks- for those of you that might be interested, I've compiled a list
> >of garden plant genera available in the US, species of which are used by
> >some of our native bee fauna.  It is a work in progress, with
> >anticipated revisions this winter to incorporate suggestions by several
> >colleagues (and likely some future contributors too).  The tables can be
> >seen at our lab's web site, whose address is:
> >
> >
> >
> >Simply click on "bee garden" and have  a look.
> >
> >Feel free to distribute the list as you see fit, or download for
> >yourself to tailor to your local circumstances or interests.

in houston texas, ruella (which does not appear on this
list) works well.  (not the viney kind, the tall kind.)
however it tends to take over.  

sarah clark

The youth gets together his materials to build
a bridge to the moon, or, perchance, a palace or
temple on the earth, and, at length, the 
middle-aged man concludes to build a woodshed
with them.

 --- H.D. Thoreau


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