Strays vs. stays

Ron Gatrelle rgatrelle at
Sun Nov 5 20:03:29 EST 2000

    You information is 100% accurate. It confirms what I stated, that the
species mentioned by Alan are multiple brooded and wanderers -- even without
wind. My focus is not the multiple brooded nomads, but if the single brooded
species favonius ontario is resident or not in Ontario (or nearby Michigan:
Lenawee County). Anyone who has spent any time in the field has encountered
strays. Certain species or even genera tend to do this. F. favonius does
not, especially its females. As a highly specialized migratory species
Monarchs have no relativity here.

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenelm Philip" <fnkwp at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 7:19 PM
Subject: Strays vs. stays

> > All of these species are multiple brooded wanderers.
> Nonetheless, butterflies and moths are capable of flying (or being wind-
> borne) for large distances. An old paper by Hocking concluded that the
> Monarch can fly 600 miles on a single meal of nectar.
> In 1975 I spent a month on Victoria Island in the Canadian Arctic
> Archipelago. Before any butterflies emerged we began seeing a number of
> individuals of _Rheumaptera hastata_ (the Spearmark), which is a taiga
> species. This was after 5 days of continuous strong south wind. At the
> same time, this species turned up along the arctic coast of Alaska. It
> was having an abundance peak in the interior taiga, and there was no
> time for another brood, aside from the fact that almost all these northern
> things are single-brooded. The conclusion is clear: these individuals were
> blown up from 200 miles or more to the south.
> Ken Philip
> fnkwp at
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