Animal Communication series

Richard Worth rworth at
Wed Nov 8 16:15:37 EST 2000

There are also many lycaenid pupae that stridulate or click.  I heard 
this the first time I reared C. cecrops in Florida.


>Chris Raper wrote:
>  > Other insect groups use sound (as in the grasshoppers & crickets) but
>  > I can't think of many examples in the world of lepidoptera though. I
>  > know the Central/South American Hamadryas spp. ('Crackers') make
>  > clicking sounds in flight but I am not sure if this is comminication
>  > between butterflies or to scare off predators.
>Don't forget the squeaks made by hawkmoth pupae when 'handled' (touched,
>prodded, etc.)- presumably this, in conjunction with the wriggling of
>their abdominal segments - is an attempt to scare off a would-be
>predator from something that looked harmless initially. (Madagascar
>squeaking cockroaches also do this...but not with me, which is a bit ofa
>pain when you are trying to demonstrate anti-predator responses!!)

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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