[LEPS-L:7865] Re: Holland book

JH jhimmel at connix.com
Tue Nov 14 12:34:11 EST 2000

I own both the 1904 Holland guide (The Moth Book) and the 1968 Dover
reprint, which I had acquired years earlier.  I have always been
disappointed with the plates in the Dover guide, and only used it as a last
resort.  About 5 years ago, I got the whole New Nature Library series and
was shocked at how clean and crisp the plates are in the '04 Moth Book in
comparison to the reprint!

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at connix.com
Visit my websites at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris J. Durden <drdn at mail.utexas.edu>
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: [LEPS-L:7861] Re: Holland book

>  Yes you were very lucky. My bookbuying started a little later because in
>the fifties I could use the library at CNC/Ottawa and in the sixties I
>could use the YPM library and Carnegie Museum Library. I did not start
>serious book acquisition until the seventies in Texas. I think that the
>1930 revised Holland BB has the same plates as the later printings, but I
>am not certain. How many plates does your copy have.
>  The Holland plates are useful. Many of them show "type" specimens, the
>status of which was discussed later by F. M. Brown in a series of papers
>with b&w illustrations. There are also a number of 'types' from authors
>other than Edwards and Holland that are only illustrated in the BB. An
>annotated guide to the plates would be a very useful paper. As far as I
>know it has not been done yet. Someone within commuting distance of
>Carnegie Museum could do it easily.
>At 11:28  13/11/00 -0900, you wrote:
>> As you could guess from my posting to Leps-L, I was lucky enough
>>many years ago to pick up the complete New Nature Library (for $8 per
>>volume--those were the days!). I also have the 1904 and 1951 editions of
>>Holland's Butterfly Book--the 1951 version has some added plates I found
>>useful, but I don't know if they were added since the 1930 edition. Plus
>>the Moth Book (1903), and the Insect Book and the Spider Book in separate
>>editions. These are all invaluable things to have around, dspite their
>>age. I have had all of these for a long time--the 1951 Holland I picked
>>up in a bookstore in Lake Charles, LA during my 2-year stint in the US
>>Army 1954-6, and the others I have had since high school days or earlier.
>>It was so much easier to find these things back then--although the prices
>>(insanely low by modern standards) were not that low for a child on an
>>allowance in the 1940s...
>> It is fortunate for me that I made a determined effort to obtain
>>every butterfly reference book I could afford before I moved to Fairbanks.
>>The University library has nothing on butterflies (or moths), so I am
>>entirely dependent on my own library--but with things like Edwards'
>>flies of North America (Frederick Ducane Godman's copy!) and Scudder's
>>New England volumes around, plus a fair number of other North American
>>references, I can make do OK on my own.
>> Then there were the times I visited dos Passos--and discovered that
>>my lep library was insignificant compared to his!
>> Ken
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