[LEPS-L:7922] Re: Nice account: An encounter with honeybees

David Webster david.h.webster at ns.sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 19 15:23:02 EST 2000

Michael Gochfeld wrote:

> Dave Green gave us a nice (and affectionate account) of Honey Bees.
> Every time I wander through a field of flowers searching for skippers, I
> am intrigued by the fact that I never get stung by any of the
> Hymenopteran creatures I disturb from their nectaring.  What's even more
> intriguing is the specificity that emerges when one looks closely at the
> nectaring bees and wasps. Polistes (Paper Wasps) for example, I only see
> on Goldenrod,

		Nov 19, 2000
	I sent this previously, by accident, to Michael only and not to the
list. Apologies for the double post Michael. DW
                        Nov 18, 2000
    Can anyone comment on typical severity of paper wasp stings ? While
working near some occupied nests this summer I got "stung" 4 times but
of them amounted to anything (at the time or later) so I am wondering if
this is the usual experience. Do these wasps perhaps pinch with their
mandibles when threatened ?
    Our paper wasps show a definite preference for the white goldenrod
(_Solidage bicolor_) as opposed to either nearby plants of yellow
such as _S. rugosa_ or _S. puberula_ or flowers of other plants.
    Dave Webster, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada


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