[LEPS-L:7948] Re: Killer Yellowjackets?

jandwdic at postoffice.swbell.net jandwdic at postoffice.swbell.net
Tue Nov 21 11:02:01 EST 2000

   In Texas they seem to mainly nest under the eaves of roofs, and in
   When my brother was 9 years old he walked between two small tree-like
shrubs. There were two yellow jacket nests right opposite eachother  about
a foot and a half apart. They were about the same height as his head. When
he walked between them he got 17 stings on his face.

Michael Gochfeld wrote:

> I was intrigued with Ron's report that Yellowjackets have an attack
> distance of 10-15' from the nest.  That is greater than our experience
> in southern New York or New Jersey where the attack distance is more
> like 2-3 feet.  My Yellowjacket stings have usually come when I
> inadvertently (surprise) stepped near or on an unseen nest. Then 3-5
> stings would be the norm.
> Here Yellowjacket nests are almost always under ground, although
> occasionally in a log pile.  We had a nest in the broken headlight
> molding of a car that was resting for severa months in our driveway.
> I understand that in other parts of the range they regularly nest above
> ground.
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