[LEPS-L:7950] SV: Re: N. pronuba
bengt.lindqvist at mbox303.swipnet.se
Tue Nov 21 09:20:08 EST 2000
Don Lafontaine <burnbank at sympatico.ca> skrev i
diskussionsgruppsmeddelandet:3A1A4C0E.1EAF508B at sympatico.ca...
> James:
> Further to what you were saying, I expect Noctua pronuba came to North
> America as a hitch hicker on a ship since it was first recorded at the
> port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax and Vancouver are among the more
> famous ports for the arrival of unwanted foreign insects coming in with
> ships. Noctua pronuba is a very strong flier and is recorded coming into
> England in massive flights.
I don´t know if I feel pity for you, or if I ought to congratulate you. The
last because it is always nice to have a new species to collect. The first
is that N.pronuba are a really pest in Sweden. It are very often the must
common moth on our light. I disslike it very much.
Best wishes
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