[LEPS-L:8010] Re: Monarch extinction

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Tue Nov 28 14:08:21 EST 2000

Chris Durden wrote:

>   Do we even have a firm list of butterfly species that have 
> become extinct
> in North America, or in Europe? Is this list as small as I 
> expect, or can
> someone substantiate a robust list?

Obtaining a list of lep species that have become extinct within the last 400
years would certainly be of great interest.  It is the list (and notion) of
"almost extinct" that compels so many of us to be concerned, however.  There
is no doubt in my mind that the ever growing human population and its
propensity for sprawling is having a detrimental effect on the wildlife of
our planet.  It is easy to argue that the case is over exaggerated, based on
little actual evidence of extinction.  But one can also argue that we are
entering into uncharted territory with respect to a continuing harmonious
coexistence.  Is it possible that an epidemic of extinction is just around
the corner?  Is it possible that we are passing through a final window of
opportunity for prevention?

While there may be a lack of hard evidence to make such a claim, it is still
difficult for anyone to comfortably excuse the allegation.  We just don't

How's that for speaking out of both sides of the mouth?

Mark Walker
Oceanside, CA

"Therefore, you kings, be wise;
    be warned, you rulers of earth.
Serve the Lord with fear
    and rejoice with trembling."
Psalm 2:10-11 


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