Partial list of TTR reviewers.

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Wed Oct 4 01:19:27 EDT 2000

To: The those interested

    The International Lepidoptera Survey (TILS) has barely been around two
years. We are a 501 (c) 3 Federal and South Carolina tax exempt
organization. We publish The Taxonomic Report (TTR) about 10 times a year.
We mail each issue (first class/air mail) to between 300 and 500 individuals
and institutions all over the world. It costs us between $600 and $1200 to
print and mail each issue. All articles are subjected to either internal or
external review. To this point, we have avoided publishing the names of
those persons who have reviewed, refereed, or critically critiqued any of
our published issues. Why? Because we hold that a lepidopterian publication
should be judged foremost on the soundness of its content by the intelligent
populous which reads it -- not by who compiles the most impressive list of
big name reviewers. I here break this silence and list most of these names.
    Zsolt Balint, Harry Pavulaan, George Austin, Ron Gatrelle, Kurt Johnson,
Bryant Mather, Richard Brown, Tim Friedlander, Dale Schweitzer, David
Iftner, and Gordon Pratt.

Ron Gatrelle, president
International Lepidoptera Survey

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