OOPS, monarch tagging II

Ron Gatrelle rgatrelle at home.com
Tue Oct 10 12:32:04 EDT 2000

Why do they put the SEND button next to the SAVE button. This was sent way
beofre its time.
    So where was I...  First lets correct the typos. Now.

    We have met the enemy and it is us. Several years ago (actually probably
a couple decades) there was an article in either the Lepidopterists News or
its Journal entitled, "Are We Studying Our Butterflies To Death." I don't
remember who wrote it, but it was someone in California. The article was
about how some research team or Fed/St wildlife entity had conducted a
catch, tag, release project on one of the endangered subspecies of an
Euphilotes blue. (These are the tiny little blues less than a quarter inch
in expanse.) The problem the author had is that these little insects are so
small it is virtually impossible to Tag or mark one without doing major
damage to it. Damage that would either severely limit its normal functions
due to broken legs or antennae, and thus greatly shorten its adult life. He
was also concerned about trampling of immatures and host plants in the small
habitat area.
    Now I am well aware that monarchs have very tough thoratic segments. But
I have never found anything as tough as a little kid. I mean my kids could
break anything. I have often wondered how much damage is actually done to
monarchs in the tagging process by kids and untrained adults alike. Just
because they are able to fly away does not mean they are fine. Especially
fine enough to make a trip to Mexico. Consider the following.
    Two years ago I conducted a workshop in North Carolina to train US Fish
& Wildlife and Forest Service personnel on the identification of Phyciodes
batesii maconensis adults, host, and habitat. These were the top
professionals in N.C. Forest service district managers and F&WL regional
endangered species experts. One of these professionals had brought along a
friend of theirs who was an "experienced" butterfly watcher and his teen age
    When we got to the habitat area the butterfly watcher caught a
maconensis. It was about ten minutes later that the group gathered around
the man to see if he had actually found one. When I got there I just shook
my head and kept my mouth shut. The specimen (a gravid female) had been so
handled that it only had one leg left. OH! it could still fly -- but it was
dead. As I began to take it one forestry person said, "oh, you're not going
to kill it?" (I guess she assumed this because I am a collector and not just
a watcher.) I said, " No, I'm going to take it home and rear them and return
the live larvae to the area."
     So I brought it home (with their permission). I cared for the poor
little thing the best I could. But with no legs to taste with, it refused to
eat. And with no legs to grasp with, it laid no eggs. That specimens was
MUTILATED as well as Killed by the butterfly watcher -- even though it
perished 3 days later. I wrote the Forest Service person and informed them
of the outcome. I also made the strong recommendation that not only should
collecting be prohibited in areas where sensitive species exist but also
"NET AND RELEASE" BY BUTTERFLY WATCHERS. When I, as a collector, "take" and
individual it is "killed" quickly and put to scientific use. I don't even
like to go out with watchers any more because it just grieves me so much to
see them net, mutilate, and release specimens. It is amazing how upon the
release of the specimen -- when it only "flies" a few feet or INCHES and
lands -- I often here them say, "Oh, look how tame it is." NO it is not
tame, It is HURT! IT IS ALREADY DYING. I not only think we sutdy butterflies
to death, but some are watching them to death.
     I for one have no interest in watching a class of 5th graders tag
monarchs. I appreciate the intent and intrest stimualtion, but I thank God
I'm not one of those monarchs who gets tagged -- I like having legs.

--- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Gatrelle" <rgatrelle at home.com>
To: "Leps-l" <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: More on monarch tagging

> To all interested parties.
>     We have met the enemy and it is us. Several years ago (actually
> a couple decades) there was an article in either the Lepidopterists News
> its Journal entitled, "Are We Studying Our Butterflies To Death." I don't
> remember who wrote it, but it was someone in California. The article was
> about how some research team or Fed/St wildlife entity had conducted a
> catch, tag, release project on one of the endangered subspecies of an
> Euphilotes blue. (These are the tiny little blues less than a quarter inch
> in expanse.) The problem the author had is that these little insects are
> small it is virtually impossible to Tag or mark one without doing major
> damage to it. Damage that would either severely limit its normal functions
> due to broken legs or antennae, and thus greatly shorten its adult life.
> was also concerned about trampling of immatures and host plants in the
> small habitat area.
>     Now I am well aware that monarchs have very tough thoratic segments.
> I have never found anything as tough as a little  their legs and antennae

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