Dr. Sears, Monarchs, Bt corn
Paul Cherubini
cherubini at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 10 07:03:33 EDT 2000
Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> Monarchs have been made a glamour species in this country. I've never
> seen so many people making money off of a species of butterfly. It becomes
> very necessary to have Rome burn to stir up the cause. Or, if it isn't
> really burning to make people believe it is. DANGER! monarch are under
> attack! Stop the collectors! Stop the Bt corn. SEND MONEY. I used to think
> only the TV preachers did this.
Ron, below is a good example: (capitals my emphasis). Unless one
reads this tear jerker ad carefully, they'd think they are sending money
that would go directly to impoverished Mexican people. But as you
can see the donations are really going to finance the butterfly research
interests of American scientists:
Linda Rogers wrote:
"Below is a description of the Monarch Watch Program's
"Adopt a Classroom"Project to aid the families and children in villages
adjacent to the overwintering sites. For more information, see
the Monarch Watch website at www.monarchwatch.org.
This special work INDIRECTLY HELPS preserve the forests while
directly aiding the impoverished citizens. So, if you'd like
STUDIES; DONATE FUNDS and/orsupplies to extremely needy
children; and help protect the forests you can do all of these things.
Your concern and CONTRIBUTIONS will go to into a RESEARCH
PROGRAM that has a built-in protection for the butterflies and
forests in its sister project that contributes to the lives of the local
And below another example of a monarch conservation foundation
where ones donations are actually going to finance the butterfly research
interests of American scientists (and not going to grow and plant trees):
" dedicated to preserving the monarch overwintering grounds
in Mexico "
Total Income $45,860.33
Project Outflows:
1. World Wildlife Fund, Mexico $10,000.00
2. Mexico City Office Expenses $7,583.29
3. Research Grants $5,000.00
4. Environmental Education Project $1,127.00
5. Baskets* $1,230.00
Total Project Outflows: $24,940.29
Operating/Fundraising Expenses $264.00
T-shirts** $896.00
Legal Fees/Tax Preparation $588.00
Certificates $65.00
Butterfly Gardens $300.00
Total $2,113.00
Total Expenditures: $27,053.29
Carry-over to 2000: $18,807.10
*Baskets are made by Ejido women
**T-shirts are used as premiums for donors
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