butterfly legs

Chris Raper cmt.raper at triocomp.co.uk
Thu Oct 12 10:50:09 EDT 2000

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:27:14 +0100, "K.J.Caley"
<Kevin.Caley at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

>I have recently been told that some 
>snout butterflies (Lybithaeinae), such as the Nettle-tree Butterfly of
>Europe possess females which only possess three legs as opposed to the
>normal 4 in this group.  

Hi Kevin

Don't you mean 4 instead of 6? In some families the front pair has
become almost vestigal - but I think they still actually have them
even if they don't walk on them.

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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