Back to the butterfly release debate!

Patrick Foley patfoley at
Thu Oct 12 19:03:38 EDT 2000

Bruce and other leppers,

    While there are legitimate arguments suggesting that butterfly releases are
_usually_  not harmful to the species of butterflies involved, several of us have
argued that in many cases there are important dangers (see the archives). This is
also my
field (I have written papers on population genetics of small populations, on
extinction and on epidemiology, so my understanding is pretty broad here), and I
think it is irresponsible to leave the impression that "science" is on your side.
There is a scientific debate here, not a consensus. To the extent that there is a
consensus, your views, worthy as they are of attention and discussion, do not
represent it.If nonscientists think I am wrong, let us conduct a meaningful poll of

active researchers in population biology who have given the matter any thought.

Patrick Foley
patfoley at

Bruce Walsh wrote:

> Not wishing to get into the continuing "discussion" -- in fact, I'll be
> logging off this list soon as I get ready for six weeks in Australia ---
> let me just comment on:
> "From: Wayne F Wehling <Wayne.F.Wehling at>
> 7.   Paul Cherubini has been, and is currently, under investigation for
> alleged violations of the regulations surrounding butterfly releases."
> As I have repeated stated on this (and other) lists, I can find no sound
> scientific arguments against small-scale releases (and population
> genetics/evolution is my field).  The opponents of these releases simply do not
> have science on their side.
> Flame away, as I'll soon be away
> Peace
> Bruce

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