terminology question

Sharyn Fernandez butterflies at value.net
Fri Oct 13 02:25:58 EDT 2000

Speaking of "terminology" - I saw the name of the "chemical" (ie type fo
sugar) that was supposed to be in the flowers that attract butterflies to
nectar  in an article I read in American Butterflies a few years ago. Does
anyone (Dr. G?) remember this "term" - it starts with "Q"... Thanks! -
Sharyn F.
>I agree, "transparent" does the trick.  However, it is possible that the
>term "pharate" is the one they are looking for-- according to Torre-Bueno:
>"cloaked; withing the cuticle of a preceeding stage."
>John Acorn
>>From: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>
>>To: <smgazlay at aimsedu.org>
>>Cc: "Leps-l" <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
>>Subject: Re: terminology question
>>Date: Wed, Oct 11, 2000, 9:16 AM
>>    I'm pretty familiar with technical lepidopterian terms. I don't know of
>>a specific term either. I suspect that this is actually a simple question
>>looking for a simple answer -- especially sine the question was posed to a
>>child. In which case the answer would just be. "Transparent." If there is an
>>involved technical term I'd like to know it too.
>>Ron Gatrelle
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Suzy Gazlay" <smgazlay at aimsedu.org>
>>To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:50 AM
>>Subject: terminology question
>>> I received the following question from a parent whose child was given the
>>> challenge of finding this term:
>>> << What is it called when you can see the butterfly wings through the
>>> chrysalis? >>
>>> I'm not familiar with this term and so far I haven't been able to find it
>>> any of my books. So, of course, now I'm curious too.
>>> Can anyone enlighten me? I'd surely appreciate it!
>>> Thank you --
>>> Suzy Gazlay
>>> smgazlay at aimsedu.org

S. Fernandez Galloway, Concord CA
Butterflies & Botany

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