Patrick Foley
patfoley at csus.edu
Fri Oct 13 15:40:41 EDT 2000
Jacob Groth wrote:
> Hi Patrick, I don't make my conclusions based upon "how many" people
> believe certain facts. I try to let the facts form my conclusions.
> So far, Bruce is one of the only scientists that presents real numbers
> for examination. Many of the others simply propose "hypothetical"
> situations of "what if" type scenario's. It's easy to say that
> something "could" be harmful. All I have ever heard from these
> majority scientists is that releases "could" be harmful, but I have
> yet to hear of numbers or studies that would prevent evidence to
> support this opinion. Whereas, Bruce supports his opinion with real
> numbers and scientific reasoning. That is what wins my opinion. The
> doom-sayers know that it is impossible to prove a null hypothesis, so
> as long as they couch their words in non quantifiable "coulds and
> woulds," they can never be pinned down and proven wrong. If I were to
> say walking could be harmful to butterflies, could you prove me
> wrong? No. But, if I said walking could kill 100 butterflies per
> hour, then you could start debating with me scientifically. Bruce is
> the only one willing to put himself under examination by presenting
> real numbers and real scenario's. I'd be more willing to believe the
> other side of the opinion spectrum if they would simply start
> presenting case studies with real numbers to analyze. Jacob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Patrick Foley
> To: jacob at swallowtailfarms.com
> Cc: Leps List
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Poll?
> Jacob,
> I did not call a poll scientific. I said that Bruce's views
> did not represent a scientific consensus. A consensus
> involves the shared opinions of people. Is it your
> experience that most scientists involved in population
> biology share Bruce's view that the random release of
> butterflies is safe for all species of butterflies? Would
> most butterfly population biologists welcome such releases?
> Patrick
> Jacob Groth wrote:
> > Patrick wrote: "let us conduct a meaningful poll of active
> > researchers in population biology who have given the
> > matter any thought."
> >
> > You call that scientific?
> > Jacob
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