Celebrity Death Match

Cris Guppy or Aud Fischer cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Sat Oct 14 11:43:56 EDT 2000

Bruce Walsh stated: "I have absolutely no problems with releasing Cabbage
Butterflies in any of the lower 48 states.  All cabbages in the states stem
from a single introduction, and they are a pest in most areas.  Introducing
a few more individuals by a release certainly will cause no harm to the
local population (and are unlikely to significantly increase the local
numbers of Cabbages)."

Just a factual correction to the above - Cabbage Whites in North America are
derived from more than one introduction. The first was an accidental one at
Quebec about 1859, and then a deliberate importation followed by accidental
release at New York a few years later. There may have been additional
introductions later, but they would not have been noticed against the
existing background population of Cabbage Whites.

I certainly agree there is no concern with releases of small numbers of
Cabbage Whites.

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