PhD thesis online
Niklas Wahlberg
niklas.wahlberg at
Tue Oct 17 06:31:01 EDT 2000
Hello all,
For anybody interested, the summary part of my PhD thesis is now
online at
The title of my thesis is "The ecology and evolution of melitaeine
butterflies". Melitaeines are butterflies belonging to the genera
Euphydryas, Phyciodes, Chlosyne and Melitaea (and some other smaller
genera). I'd be happy to receive any criticism as my thesis defence is
on October 27...
Many of you on this list were especially helpful when I was collecting
material for Chapter I. I am eternally grateful for your contributions!
Niklas Wahlberg
Metapopulation Research Group
Department of Ecology and Systematics
Division of Population Biology
PO Box 17 (Arkadiankatu 7)
00014 University of Helsinki
p. +358-9-191 28778, fax +358-9-191 28701
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