Nude Butts!
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Tue Oct 24 11:43:08 EDT 2000
From: Ron
To: Leps-l "Passion (flower) Partners"
When setting up the key words section of our web site for submission to
search engines, my son told me I needed to be sure and include to words :
Free and Sex. Because these are the most frequently searched word on the
net. SO here is my entrepreneurial proposal. We could set up a web site
called "Nude Butts" that required a $5 credit card fee before viewing the
pictures. Once paid they could view dozens of beautiful fully unclothed
butt-erflies. BUT who gets the money and how do we spend it? On admission to
sports events?
----- Original Message -----
From: <SFleischak at>
To: <gatrelle at>; <Leps-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera
> In a message dated 10/23/00 8:41:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> gatrelle at writes:
> << On another matter, It should be of concern to all of us that the
> Bulletin of the Allyn Museum has not been put out for three years. I
> from The Top that the U. of Florida, which now controls the Allyn Museum,
> has cut off funding for the Bulletin. This is outrageous. The U. of F
> absolutely spends more in one year on ONE football players uniforms,
> etc. than a years worth of the Bulletin issues!! For a multi-million
> University to cut off such a worth while scientific publication smacks of
> nothing but internal politics. >>
Steve Fleischaker replied:
The reason that universities justify spending money on football is that
> football brings in huge bucks. When was the last time that you saw a leps
> program on Pay For View? While Joe Six Pack sits on the couch damaging his
> brain he could be out with his son or daughter doing something useful like
> setting up butterfly habitats or taking the kids to a museum. Habitats and
> museums are not sexy.
> Sports people know that access and publicity is money in the bank. I know
> professional football player who hates the publicity and loss of privacy
> job causes him. He also realizes the financial importance of that access
> publicity.
> So I say to you, no matter how obscure your job or interest is, if you
> it to be funded and sexy, get out into the community and sell it. Make
> yourself accessible to the schools and community. If you get a call asking
> the most basic question in your field, promote it, embellish it, make it
> sexy. I promise you that if a fourth grader goes home and asks his parents
> what they know about Lepidoptera it will get their attention.
> Remember sex sells and it might even get your thesis on Pay For View!
> Steve
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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