Noctuid Search

Thomas Eichlin TEichlin at
Thu Oct 26 12:37:28 EDT 2000


For you and others who may also be interested in why Noctuid Seach has been off-line, I can tell you that our brilliant IT people moved the site from Fresno to Sacramento.  In so doing, they somehow incapacitated two of our on-line programs, and these have remained so for the last two months.  In response to your inquiry, the ITs have informed me that next week they hope to solve the problem.  Thank you for your interest and continued patience.


>>> Charles Bird <cbird at> 10/26/00 05:56AM >>>
Does any one know what has happened to "Noctuid Search: an interactive key
to identify Noctuidae of North America" which was at
<>. I found this key very useful
on a number of occasions and would like to use it again.



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