Bug zappers

Heath, Fred Fred.Heath at power-one.com
Mon Oct 30 21:22:45 EST 2000

Dear Paul, 
	The reason they mow right to the edge of  the crops is to save the
Monarchs. This way there is no chance that there will be milkweed covered
with all that nasty genetically altered corn pollen. In addition, by having
no nectar plants near the highway, we won't have to worry about all those
butterflies stuck to car radiators which we hear about over and over
whenever the semi-annual debate about collecting comes up.
---Best regards, Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Paul Cherubini [SMTP:cherubini at mindspring.com]
> Sent:	Monday, October 30, 2000 9:17 AM
> To:	leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject:	Re: Bug zappers
> Iowa is a state where 80% of the land mass is covered with corn and
> soybeans,
> plus a few other minor crops. Roadsides therefore account for a fair
> portion of the left over 20% that isn¹t cultivated. But in Iowa the
> highway
> department regularly mows down not just a small band of weeds next to
> roads, but
> everything right up to the edge of crops and fencelines. This makes
> for a very tidy appearance, but gosh there is practically no ground left
> undisturbed
> for plants and animals along Iowa roadsides. We are not talking about just
> one mowing a year, but multiple mowings during the warmer months - all 
> (apparently) for the purpose of ³beautification². 
> Paul Cherubini
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