Swallowtail chrysallis re-attachment

JABRUNETTI at aol.com JABRUNETTI at aol.com
Tue Sep 5 09:40:30 EDT 2000

Dear friends - I wanted to thank everyone for your timely advice on raising 
butterflies.  My children (and I) have really learned alot with this project 
this summer.  Concerning the detached chrysallis, I reattached it 6 inches 
above the floor of our container on a stick, using Elmers white glue, and 
"Butterfree" emerged 10 days later, as beautiful as could be.  He was set 
free, and the two other pupae emerged safely (females - Sweetypie and 
Tickles) joined him in the great outdoors.  My 3 children were so excited to 
be able to have a butterfly walk on them and then set them free.  We are now 
awaiting the emergence of our 3 Monarchs.  Thank you again to everyone who 
responded to our questions and helped the emergence of 3 new lepidopterists!
                                                            Tracey Brunetti

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