Mexican deforestation - Monarch butterfly

Jeffrey A. Caldwell ecosys at
Sat Sep 16 02:16:04 EDT 2000


The "report" being discussed is an article in the Ottowa Citizen alleging that
the Monarch overwintering habitat is progressively being destroyed and in
serious danger of being lost.

Paul has presented his case that the articles claims are erroneous every which
way. A link to the article appeared in a previous post; Chris Hocking brought it
to our attention.  The article may be found at:

I just went there to see if it was there, and it still is as of now.

best regards,
Jeffrey A. Caldwell

"Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX" wrote:

> It would be really nice if some kind soul would make the monarch
> report available on the web.  It sounds like it would be extremely
> interesting to read and it does deal with an important topic - regardless of
> how we each chose to interpret it.

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