Jules Poirier lectures in British Columbia

Boikat boikat at bellsouth.net
Sat Sep 16 02:47:52 EDT 2000

jarofclay at my-deja.com wrote:
> ---
> Press Release
> September 15, 2000


> The Original Navigational Micro-Computer
> THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY: A lecture (with slides) by Jules H. Poirier

Oh boy!  Pictures!  So what?  I can generate
pictures of cows jumping over the moon.

> Jules H. Poirier, a retired design electronics engineer from San Diego,
> will be speaking in six British Columbia cities on the design features
> of the monarch butterfly from Sept. 23 - 30. The lecture series is
> sponsored by the Creation Science Association of British Columbia
> <http://van.planeteer.com/~creation>.
> Jules H. Poirier:
> * senior design specialist electronics engineer

No biological evolution there.

> * studied electrical engineering, physics and mathematics at the
> University of California (Berkeley)

Is biological evolution a prerequisite to those
studies?  No?  Relevance?

> * has worked for the U.S. Navy, Ryan Aeronautics and the Electronics
> Division of Convair

Hey, I've word for the USAF, Ferranttii
International, ESI, ATI, and NLX, and I've also
had some college biology!  That at least gives me
*some* credibility in the biology department! 
Where's his?

> * designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar Landing Module

Nice.  What does that have to do with butterflies,
evolution or biology?

> With experience in designing guidance systems, Mr. Poirier began
> studying the guidance system of the monarch butterfly. His conclusion is
> that the prior claim of a Creator dwarfs the efforts of man, and that
> this design could not have evolved.

But then again, humans have only been designing
guidance systems for a few decades (outside the Mk
1 eyeball), the process of evolution has been at
it for several hundred million years.  So, aside
from his argument from incredulity and ignorance,
what has he got?

> Poirier is the author of two books on the monarch butterfly life cycle:
> _The Life and Adventures of Monica Monarch_ (for children), and _From
> Darkness into Light to Flight: Monarch — the Miracle Butterfly_.

Whoopee doooo!  I've also written science fiction.
(no, not published.)

> Lecture schedule:
[snip schedule]

> http://www.exn.ca/Stories/2000/09/12/53.cfm  [September 12, 2000]
> Future looks dim for monarch butterflies
> Meanwhile, a new report says monarch butterflies may face a difficult
> future. At this time of year, monarch butterflies across the country
> start heading south. Eventually, hundreds of millions of monarchs will
> make it to a section of forest in Mexico. They spend the winter there
> and then migrate north in the spring. But researchers say what was once
> a vast, pristine forest is now a series of tiny segments, separated by
> farmland. The first-ever aerial survey of the area
> shows there's only about half as much forest as there was 30 years ago -
> and the researchers estimate the entire forest will be gone within the
> next half century.

Wow!  Something actually relevant!  Mostly.

> Researchers Find Key to Monarch Butterfly Migration [May 2, 1997]
> http://www.exn.ca/Stories/1997/05/01/03.cfm
> Journey North
> http://www.learner.org/jnorth/spring2000/species/monarch/index.html
> Monarch Migration Update
> http://www.learner.org/jnorth/fall2000/monarch/Update091300.html
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.


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